Lessons on Candidate Privacy from “Snowden”


Lessons on Candidate Privacy from “Snowden”

Premiering last month, the movie chronicling the story of Edward Snowden reminds everyone about the importance of data security and privacy. After the famous leaks of classified information out of the National Security Agency, many companies and agencies reevaluated their policies on data security.

There are a number of lessons to be learned from the most well-known data breach in modern history. You probably don’t think of job candidate data as a sought after item for hackers. But vital data can be used to steal identities, be resold on the black market, or even be used to extort your company for large sums of money.

Don’t miss these important opportunities to prevent a breach of candidate privacy, before it happens.

Educate Your Employees

Your own team is your best defense against illicit data access. They can keep an eye out for any changes in the system, and they can also report on any other employees who might be accessing data in a suspicious manner. It is also important to educate your employees on why data security and privacy are important. Some workers are not tech savvy and may resist data hygiene procedures you put in place. In the modern workplace, safe data practices should be vital to every position.

Prepare for the Unexpected

If you are the victim of data theft or cyber attack, don’t be left without a plan. Work ahead of time to put in place policies, procedures, and any needed staff to minimize the harm done. Make sure your staff understand your system and how it operates on a daily basis. Regularly perform system backups to create restore points.

Work with Your Vendors

Sometimes, the security gap may not even be one inside your own company. Your vendors should be aware of threats and have their own internal processes to handle them. This is especially true for any vendors who handle personal data like Social Security numbers, work history, drug test results, or contact information. Let any vendors know up front that data security is a top concern for your company.

Privacy is Worth the Investment

In the event that candidate data is exposed, your company can run the risk of being sued for not taking adequate protection measures. Even though candidates may never become part of your company, their privacy is just as valuable. Investing in solutions to dispose of information such as a secure document destruction company or an in-house digital destruction process can pay for themselves both financially and in peace of mind.

Ready to step up your candidate data protection game? Read our Quick Start Guide, and learn more about ClearStar’s recent Privacy Shield Certification!


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